Get to know Xavier Donnelly, our esteemed collaborator


For Tulip’s first ever collaboration, Lori Smyth chose to work with artist, designer, and creative director Xavier Donnelly. Known for masterfully building rich experiences through physical space, brand, and art, the Tulip x Xavier Donnelly exclusive capsule collection features four imaginative Shades showcasing Donnelly’s captivating illustrations. Introduced by Lori's son, Alec, the creative duo instantly hit it off. “Alec lives in New York and has these incredible, talented friends, including Xavier,” Lori shares. “When Xavier saw Tulip’s launch, he reached out to Alec and said, ‘I'm obsessed—I need to meet your mom.’” Soon after, Lori reached out to Xavier to propose a collaboration. “It’s been such a joy working with someone as passionate and innovative as Xavier. Together, we’ve created something truly special that blends our artistic visions into these beautiful Shades.”

The design duo sat down for an in-depth discussion to celebrate the launch of their joint collection, touching on everything from the story of how they met to the finer details of interior design—and the crucial role that lighting plays in it all.



Lori: Hello, Xavier!

Xavier: It’s a pleasure to see you, Lori.

Lori: Likewise. Let’s dive in. This is Tulip’s first collaboration, and I am so grateful to you for saying ‘yes’. As a new brand, to have somebody as talented as yourself to work with us — it's just been a blessing. We're really excited.

Xavier: As am I.

Lori: Do you recall how we met?

Xavier: I first met you, I think, sometime in the fall of 2023. I had known about Tulip because I saw it gain significant traction on social media. You’re the mom of a friend of mine. And so we finally got together in New York and met, and we just clicked immediately. I think in our first coffee meeting, we just decided: “Well, let’s work together, we'll figure out a way.”

Lori: I’d love to hear a bit more about you, your love for illustration, and how you began to approach the development of this collection. 

Xavier: I've always been somebody who just loves to draw. I grew up in my mom's art studio, and my toys were a paintbrush and whatever surfaces were around - usually the walls or the floors. So it's just part of my DNA. This collaboration, where I'm actually creating original art for print, felt very natural to me. You had sent me a bunch of yards of the actual fabric that the Shades are made out of, and I just started drawing directly on it. It was a really beautiful linen canvas surface texture to work on. That process was my way of understanding how it’s going to look and feel in a space. I took conté crayon and just started away on the actual fabric itself.



Lori: What was the inspiration behind the final design and pattern?

Xavier: Ultimately, I was really interested in working with the form of the Tulip Shade, because they are so architectural and structured and I thought, could play nicely with a pattern. The brand has only released solid colors so far, and so I thought introducing a pattern that was very free, wild, and unbounded would be interesting. I love the play between the very structured Shade and a very loose gestural drawing. I also wanted to go the complete opposite direction and introduce a very architectural, very structured element in the Xavier Gem. So it ended up being kind of this play between the structure of the Tulip Shade, and then the lack of structure in the pattern.

Lori: Do you mind sharing a bit more on the pattern you chose for this collection? The backstory is so meaningful and sweet.

Xavier: Of course, so the print is inspired by the expansive gardens that my grandmother cultivated at her farm in the far northeast of Vermont. They were exuberant and mazelike. Full of secrets and ever expanding – bordering on uncontrolled, but in the most beautiful way imaginable. Grassy paths wound past mossy statuary and orderly vegetable beds, which gave way to dense thickets of raspberry, which eventually dissolved into fields of wildflowers. As a child the gardens always felt endless, and it was truly a paradiscial playground.

Xavier: I’m curious to hear which Shade is your favorite from the collection, Lori? 

Lori: That's a tough one. Overall, I just love the 'Caledonia' print you developed and think it looks great on all of the Tulip Shapes. I think it's classic and elegant. It almost evokes a toile but in a modern way. I think it's really timeless, yet very fresh and modern. If I had to choose a favorite I would say the Gem Caledonia



Lori: As an expert in the interior design and hospitality space, what are your thoughts on overhead lighting? 

Xavier: Overhead lighting can be tricky if it's too bright. You really don't want that kind of light casting towards people in a space. It can cause harsh shadows and be unflattering. You generally want your direct lighting to come from eye level. That being said, I think overhead lighting is really helpful in the illumination of a space. You just want it to be very soft and diffused, and that's where Tulip and this collaboration excels. 

Lori: How do you set the mood with lighting in your own home? 

Xavier: I like to keep everything very dim. All my lights are on a dimmer on the lowest setting. I also don't like to turn on any lights until I absolutely need them. So usually in the evening I'll notice, oh, it's all of a sudden really dark. Only then will I turn them on, but otherwise, throughout the day I'm not using any artificial light. I love to take advantage of natural light as much as possible.

Lori: What lighting advice would you give to someone who has moved into a new apartment?

Xavier: Floor lamps and table lamps are super helpful because, again, they create that soft, eye-level light. But I think the more important thing is to switch out all your light bulbs. Make sure you have very warm (at least 2700 Kelvin) light bulbs in all of your light fixtures. So, even if you need to turn on all of your lights, you never experience cold, harsh light. This small change gives your whole space the transformation of a warm, inviting place.

Lori: I totally agree, most people don't understand how big of an impact switching out the actual bulbs can make.



Lori: What types of rooms do you envision the Xavier x Tulip Shades in? I know you are very familiar with designing larger spaces at Ash. Did you think about how this collection plays a role in smaller, more personal spaces?

Xavier: I think the great thing about Tulip Shades is that they're such a genius (I don't want to call them a hack), but a genius way to dramatically improve the lighting in any space. And I think by introducing a pattern to them, they could really live anywhere. They contribute an extra texture, especially on ceilings, which tend to have very little going on. They could live in a very maximalist space where there's a lot going on. But then it could really stand out in a space that's a lot more minimalist, and be more of a centerpiece decorative element. In either situation, it gives the opportunity for your ceiling light to become a sculptural centerpiece of the space.

Lori: I appreciate you saying that, Xavier. We designed Tulip to be a ubiquitous product that works in minimal and loud spaces alike, so it’s a treat to hear those words. It’s been such a pleasure talking with you.

Xavier: Likewise.

Lori: I look forward to seeing what’s coming next for you.

Xavier: Again, likewise!

Lori and Xavier’s shared passion for design, art, and storytelling is evident in every detail of the collection. With a blend of organic inspiration and architectural elegance, their partnership reflects a perfect balance of innovation and timeless charm. As Lori summed up, “This is just the beginning. We’ve created something truly special, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next.”


Discover the new collection!