Spotlight: Vendela Bekebrede

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got to where you are today?

Professionally, I'm the brand + social strategist behind Tulip's social + influencer program. I absolutely love what I do. I've spent the last 7+ years working with brands in the beauty, fashion, and home space... all incredibly cool people behind them, creating really unique products. It's such a dream to be able to help tie creative, brand strategy, and community together.

How would you describe your home?

I've moved a lot in the last 8 years (that's what your 20's are for, right?) so my current space is still coming together. I'd describe my space as light, airy, and Scandinavian inspired.

Vendela's Gem Caledonia

Can you tell us about some of your favorite pieces in your home?

 I have this Danish teak dining table I acquired recently that brings me so much joy. I love vintage furniture because they just don't make things like they used to. The wood is so solid and you can see the lines where the old saw cut the wood.

If you could peek inside any person's house to see how it's decorated, who would that be and why?

My default is Alvar Aalto because that's my favorite architect, but I kind of have an idea of how he lived since there are about a million photos on the internet. A more interesting answer would probably be Georgia O'Keeffe.

Do you have any projects you're working on right now that you're excited about?

Tulip!! Although, I'm always working on a handful of projects through my freelance studio  @anek__dote.

Discover Vendela's pick, the Gem Caledonia !


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